Where are you when you come up with your most creative ideas or solve issues you’ve been grappling with for some time? Dare say, it is not whilst sitting, working at your computer. More likely, creative ideas and solutions come to you when you are relaxing--perhaps walking the dog, driving to work, out for a run or chatting with friends.
There’s a reason for this: it’s all about being in the right state of mind and allowing other stimuli into your brain to trigger potential solutions.
At TIGCRU, we have tried and tested many techniques to help teams get into the right mindset so they can be creative. These techniques work no matter what department or industry you work in, they are fun to do, and we ensure you push beyond merely ‘interesting thoughts’ and get to actionable end points.
We have run ‘Idea Generation’ workshops for
• Brand teams developing strategic brand plans
• Brand teams creating tactical execution ideas
• Service teams looking for resourcing ideas to cope with unpredictable workloads
• Manufacturer and supplier looking for joint ways to expand business in a declining market
It is not unusual for teams to start off sceptical in these workshops, yet we have found that they always finish up proud and aligned around the priority ideas and action plans they are taking forward. We love to see that transformation!
If you would like to discuss how we could help you, please get in touch via the contact form.