Rarely are brands successful based on luck alone and rarely do they perform well without a carefully thought through strategy. The starting point for any robust brand strategy is an in-depth understanding of the market in which you’ll be operating and competing within.
This is where Market Landscaping comes in. Some clients refer to this as a ‘Situation Analysis’ or a ‘Market Opportunity Map’. Whatever the name, it is essentially a report that pulls into one place a synthesis and evaluation of all known data and insights about your market, and highlights the opportunities this presents for your brand.
Market landscaping is a great example of where the right blend of analytical rigour and creative thinking is needed. This allows us to not only understand the rational decision making process and volume opportunities, but also the crucial emotional drivers affecting customers and other stakeholders, ultimately enabling us to identify the key opportunities that can shape your brand’s future.
As a brand strategy forms the basis of your operational plan, or ‘game-plan’ into the future, it’s important that we not only evaluate the competitor landscape and market trends that you operate in today, but also provide a detailed view on tomorrow’s world.