Are you going through a re-organisation? Have you got a new team or new target(s)? Or, maybe you feel your team could do with some clarity of direction?
We can help you ‘step back’ from your day to day demands and facilitate a session to help you consider the bigger picture of what you are trying to achieve.
With a Visioning Workshop we help you to assess where you are now, where you want to be, consider what’s stopping you and how to overcome issues, plan for implementation and motivate individuals to take responsibility.
Through her client side experience of directing a skills group, introducing and embedding Competitive Intelligence processes and whilst on the Marketing Excellence (MEX) team, rolling out a global Insight programme, Gill learnt first hand the power of developing a strategic vision, underpinning it with a clearly linked framework of activity, and bringing stakeholders along on the journey.The success of her approach was recognised by the people it touched, and once Gill founded TIGCRU she was soon approached and asked to support the development, roll out and embedding of a global Personalised Health Care programme for a top ten pharmaceutical company.